Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Question 1
What information is included in this tool?
The GNWT Ministerial Travel Reports, published since 2004, include information on any Department funded trip for the Minister or regular MLAs (as of 2014). Trips are listed as a single line item with the primary destination and total cost of the trip, it does not include an individual breakdown of expenses incurred on the trip, e.g. hotel, airfare, meals.
Ministerial travel reports also report on any air charters specific to ministerial travel, but do not report on departmental air charters involving several passengers on duty travel which may include, but are not dependent upon, a Minister’s participation.
With respect to Home Travel, from 2004 - 2011 the GNWT published Home Travel reports for MLAs that live outside of Yellowknife. Since 2011, the Legislative Assembly has published this information directly.
To make this tool more useful, we've made the information searchable, sortable (by multiple columns) and included some additional information (such as duration of trip, and region of destination).
Question 2
Why don't you have more information about these trips? Where can I find out more?
The table includes all of the information publicly available regarding these trips. If you would like more information about a specific trip, please contact either the Department of the Executive (as they compile the reports) or the Department associated with the trip.
Question 3
What do each of the columns mean?
Each of the columns is based on information contained in the officially printed Ministerial and Home Travel Reports.
MLA - The name of the MLA that incurred the travel expense
Position - The role of the MLA on the trip (Premier, Minister, or regular MLA). In the case of a regular MLA with no official role, the column is left blank.
Department - The Department that paid the travel expense
Description - The stated purpose of the trip
Destination - The location(s) that the individual travelled to (this can include a number of locations in the case of regional tours or multiple meetings)
Cost - The total value of the trip
Departure Date - Date the individual left on the trip
Return Date - Date the individual arrived home from the trip
Mode (available via the + symbol) - Primary type of transportation for the trip
Duration (available via the + symbol) - Total number of days
Region (available via the + symbol) - Primary locale of visit - North for a trip without the NWT, South for a trip anywhere outside of the NWT in Canada, and International for a trip that includes an international destination
Question 4
What period is covered by the data in this tool?
Currently, this tool has Home Travel expenses from 2009 to 2011, and Ministerial Travel Reports from January, 2009 until September, 2014, the most current report available.
While available the information from 2004 to 2008 is available it has not yet been posted to this site.
Question 4
When is new travel expense information disclosed?
Ministerial Travel Disclosures are published on a quarterly basis within 6 months of the end of each quarter (based on calendar year quarters). There is currently no legislative or policy requirement to publish these reports.
Question 6
Why are regular MLAs now included in the reports?
In 2014, the GNWT started reporting regular MLA travel when paid for by a Department. Prior to 2014 there is no information available on when MLAs travelled with Ministers (or on their own for a Department).
Question 7
What is included in the indicated travel cost?
Costs include the total transportation cost (flights, car rentals, gas, etc) as well as any associated accommodations and meals (including per diems). Generally, trips with a total cost under $250 (as of 2011, prior to that the limit was $100) are no included in the disclosure report.
However, in limited cases where the cost is indicated as "n/a" it means that while the trip was disclosed, the cost of the trip was not disclosed.
Question 8
What is the point of compiling this information?
Publishing expense information, including travel expenses, is one mechanism for increasing openness and transparency into government spending. This information does already exist publicly, but in a format that was not user-friendly. Our goal is to make information readily available and easy to use.
Question 9
Is this information meant to catch some sort of wrong doing or embarrass politicians?
No. This site simply exists to make this information more accessible to the public. The information posted here is already available in other publicly available formats.